Mr. Peabunny: Pet of the Month?

Monday, October 25, 2010

What is Laser Treatment Anyway?

So if we're touting Laser Treatment as being the next best thing since veterinary sliced bread, you might want to know a bit about it.  The following is from website of the Alternative Veterinary Medicine Centre (

The machine used is termed a 'cold LASER'. Different colours can be used in veterinary medicine, according to the application. The most common are infra-red, at about 800 nm or greater wavelength and red, at about 610 - 800 nm. Each provides its own particular form of concentrated energy input to the body, to act as a stimulus to healing processes.

Animals generally accept vet LASER treatment very well indeed. Relaxation is the usual response. Our experience is that most patients willingly submit themselves to a second treatment, when offered, thus demonstrating their comfort with the process. The treatment is entirely pain-free.

Conditions in which clients have reported great benefit include: wound healing, ulcers, burns, wounds, cruciate ligament injury, sprain, strain, shoulder lameness, arthritis, elbow dysplasia, hip dysplasia, lick granuloma, headshaking (head shaking), back pain, back injury, disc disease.

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